This department deals with issues related to entertainment, culture, education, social services, sport and tourism in the city and ensures that it undergoes development and receives support. It provides support to the City Assembly when fulfilling its obligations as a founder of city grant organisations for supporting culture, education, health, social services and information services.

Culture and Tourism Section

This department monitors and assesses the standard of culture within the city and organises support and methodically manages culture centres established by the city. It also cooperates with the Pardubice Region Tourism organisation in the area of culture. It takes care of tourism of the city as well.

Education Section

This department methodically manages pre-school establishments, schools, and educational and health centres established by the city.

Division of Economics

This department administers budgetary resources from the cultural fund, sport fund, free-time fund, social affairs fund, and resources from the crime prevention programme; It also prepares economic reports for city authorities and consultative and initiative bodies they have established; based on decisions of respective authorities it enters into contracts for the provision of grants and monitors the rational and specific use of grant funds. There is a sport section included as well.

European Club House

The European Club House manages services offered by the house and also offers space for rent inside the building. It cooperates with foreign institutions inside the building and is involved in the creation and implementation of common projects.